French River TIF District and Stevens Mill Redevelopment

Dudley and Webster, MA

As part of the Town of Dudley’s revitalization efforts, the owner of the historic Stevens Mill property seeks to convert the vacant, 170,000-square-foot mill into residential uses. To help make the project financially feasible, the client sought to establish an Urban Center Housing-Tax Increment Financing (UCH-TIF) district in Dudley to provide tax relief and advance the Town’s goals for this important residential and commercial hub. VHB conceptualized, defined, and secured UCH-TIF approval for the French River District, which encompasses approximately seven acres and 63 properties along the banks of the French River in Dudley and Webster. This tax relief mechanism will allow Dudley to redevelop the mill into 160 rental housing units, which will include affordable housing. To further support the revitalization efforts, VHB applied for funding from MassDevelopment through the Underutilized Properties program on behalf of the project, securing access to $900,000, awarded in 2023.

Through redevelopment of the Stevens Mill and other underutilized and vacant industrial properties along the riverfront, the town will offer housing and public amenities, including restored access to the French River, to build a thriving and diverse residential community. The mill’s renovation will provide economic stimulus for both Dudley and Webster. The estimated $50 million investment will create new spaces for local commerce and create both temporary and permanent jobs. The renovation will inspire complementary development in the district through improved property values, neighborhood conditions, and tax revenues that will enable the Town of Dudley to upgrade local services.

Stevens Mill from below with a blue sky in the background. Map showing Dudley and Webster and the French River, with the Stevens Mill property outlined in red. Stevens Mill’s dilapidated parking lot and chain-link fence.


  • Stevens Mill, LLC/Dudley Redevelopment


  • Affordable Housing Studies

  • Community Planning

  • Downtown Revitalization Planning

  • Funding Research & Application Support

  • Grant Research & Application Writing

  • Land Development

  • Urban Design & Planning
